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Student 1

Hank Hikes Home

 Hank Hikes Home is a children’s book written by Stacie Jankowski and illustrated by yours truly. The book promotes literacy in communities of all ages and backgrounds. There are beautiful places in this world, adventures to be made, and a family for everyone. “Hank, hikes and hikes, and hikes.” We want to exude the lifestyle of being outside, appreciating nature in the great outdoors, and never giving up in life.


Thera Equus

Thera Equus, miniature horse therapy. Equus is the Latin word for horse. I have love horses my whole life and was inspired from the times I would sit in the pastures with miniature horse and those little guys would take away my anxiety and be the highlight of my day.

Stdent 2
Student 3


My Personal Transfiguration

Growing up under the Orthodox religion has shaped me in many ways I hadn’t thought about. The imagery, the memories, and how it has all blended into my past, present, and future. Every step I took felt personal, from the process of dying my fabric, to carving out my linoleum blocks; sometimes you ask yourself the hard questions while you work. I spent a lot of my life pushing away the questions. Art is fluid and ever changing and growing. We get to experience that growth, through our everyday actions and memories, and sometimes life is unexpected. We get to absorb the change and expand like thread.

Student 4



Luscious, juicy oil paintings of food that I could not have during my long  preparation for an NPC Bikini Competition.

Student 5


Knight in Waiting

I wrote a coming-of-age short story that I turned into a visual medium. Art often tells a story regardless, so adding an oversized storybook and a dragon make this story a visual form that can be intelligible in multiple ways for my viewers. Making this visual story out of mostly found objects from mine or family and friends’ houses, such as cardboard, pop tabs, fabric, and wood, I want to remind my viewers about what imagination can do to everyday objects.

Student 6


How can you be physically present if you're mentally unavailable?

Student 7


Rolling Records

Rolling Records is a brand designed for tabletop gamers and music lovers alike to come together and build a stronger community as well as give back to the community by donating to school systems’ arts programs.

Student 8



Purrhaps Coffee is a cat cafe that is passionate about giving cats a better life whether that be by staying at the cafe with constant love and attention from customers or finding a forever home with one. 

Student 9

The Art of Introspection

My thesis is about the meditative and healing aspects art can have on the individual and our mind. My thesis consists of tapestries that each have different  introspective techniques that I hope the viewer can implement into their own lives.

Student 10


Odyssey is an app designed to teach users what endangered animals do for the earth and what will happen when they become fully extinct. The app drives to gain donations to work side by side with other organizations to help with habitat rehabilitation, species restoration, as well as habitat cleaning. As an incentive for donating, users will be able to follow an animals journey by using the app to track the animals location and follow it through the use of geographic maps and a tracker attached to the animal.

Student 11


When creating my Thesis, BbFlats, I asked myself what I would want to attend if I could have a moment of peace and solitude, and that is when it struck me as being the only choice I could flesh out as best I possibly could. The purpose of the brand is providing places and spaces that are able to help others to benefit their mental health and giving people a calming environment. Music to me is an incredibly helpful coping mechanism and I want to help others with the same peace.

Student 12

Stroll with Skye

Stroll with Skye is a nonprofit organization that promotes taking small steps to create an overall healthier lifestyle with the help of Take Home Kits and an educational app. Finding cheap, easy ways to be healthy would be a helpful asset to the community. The challenge of making this valuable information digestible, easy, and fun to navigate was another reason I was interested in pursuing this topic.

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